Personal Style & Wardrobe Revitalisation

In the privacy of your own home I can help you with all your styling needs and revitalise and organise your wardrobe.

This includes

  • Explaining and guiding you on fashion and beauty trends for the next 2 seasons
  • Advise you on your body shape and how to maximise the best bits and minimise the bad!
  • Show you how to put an outfit together and accessorise to create maximum effect
  • Help you decide what items you no longer need and help you say goodbye to them!
  • Re-style items you already have and love
  • Re-organise outfits into an easy workable capsule wardrobe
  • Advise on items and essentials you are missing and where to get them

Personal Styling and wardrobe revitalisation by CROWE

Auction Image

Starting Bid: R200.00

Refresh BidGoing for R1,300.00 Winning: Wendy Saffery

Auction Closed

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Sponsored by CROWE Shop.

Value: R1500.00

Terms: jewellery-fashion

  1. Wendy Saffery bid R1,300.00 on 27/04/2019 7:33 pm
  2. MJ bid R1,100.00 on 26/04/2019 1:01 pm
  3. Carmen Rieth bid R900.00 on 15/04/2019 3:35 pm
  4. Sonnia du Plessis bid R700.00 on 10/04/2019 9:26 pm
  5. Carmen Rieth bid R500.00 on 08/04/2019 10:00 am

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